After more than two years since the city of New Orleans was flooded by faulty levees that failed after the storm surge from Hurricane Katrina, we take a trip around town to take some photographs of the "progress."
Let's take a stroll around the nighborhood...
Some people have rebuilt and raised their houses..
Houses are for sale everywhere... in some areas, every house on the block is for sale.
Local phone service available two years later? I wouldn't count on it in many areas of the city that were flooded.
The storm surge wiped out all the businesses from the West End.
Only thing living out here are pelicans and gulls.
Here's the other side of the pumping station at the 17th street canal.
All of Lakeview is still pretty depressed business-wise. Less than half the businesses have re-opened.
Let's head further east...
Let me be clear.. this is not atypical. We're not finding the one abandoned house among a thriving, rebuilt neighborhood. As we drove along, we could have stopped in every block and been surrounded by houses like this.
Still plenty of FEMA trailers too... but in many neighborhoods there are more abandoned houses.
Entire apartment complexes are closed. All over the city.
One of many schools that are closed.
Entire neighborhoods.... abandoned.
George Washington Carver school... shut down...
Even churches are abandoned all around the city...
Section 8 Housing... doesn't look to be in that bad shape... but closed... dozens and dozens of houses...
Welcome to St. Bernard Parish, "Building a better future."
Eric shows us his FEMA trailer... His wife and kids are still in Tennessee while he lives outside his house trying supervise the rebuilding process.
Is that the Melamine talking?
Eric is slowly getting his house rebuilt. One problem he says, is that there is no stable sewerage system, and the contractors are killing everybody.
Since we're in the neighborhood, we stop for lunch at one of Chalmette's most famous restaurants...